Not all electricians are created equal when it comes to quality of service. Click here to find out what you should look for in a great residential electrician.
Are you concerned that your home might be plagued with faulty wiring? Here are 8 signs you should schedule an electrical inspection.
Are you experiencing the annoyance of flickering lights? If so, read this article! In it, you'll learn the 5 most common causes of flickering lights!
LED lights are becoming an increasingly popular fixture in homes and businesses. If you're wondering why that is, click here to learn about 8 benefits of LED lighting you could benefit from!
It doesn't matter if you're running a Fortune 500 company or a small shop, there will be instances where you need to call an electrician. We've created a business owner's guide for hiring an electrician in your area that's qualifed and can get the job (whatever it may be) done right.
Summertime in Texas may as well be like you're on the surface of the sun! Well, maybe not that extreme, but it gets hot! Instead of cranking up the central air and raising your electricity bill, try these 10 tips for keeping your house cool!
When you're installing or upgrading the wiring in your home, you may not be aware of the benefits of choosing to go with copper electrical wiring - but we can help! Learn more about the benefits of going with copper wiring over silver or aluminum!
Did you know that electrical problems were the cause of 6.3% of all residential fires? Your home is especially at risk if you live in an older house with old electrical wiring.
Your electricity bills are one of your most painful monthly payments. How can you reduce your electric bills for a fatter wallet? Take some tips from the electricians on what you can do to save some electricity and some money.
How many homeowners does it take to change a light bulb? Hopefully, just you. This helpful guide will teach you all about changing a light bulb and which bulbs you should buy.
Electrical problems aren't always easy to detect, and usually aren't a DIY project. Here are 8 signs you have electrical problems that require a professional. 8 Signs You May Have Electrical Problems that Require Professional Help.
Finding a great electrician in Texas doesn't have to be difficult. Asking these 7 important questions will help you know you've found someone you can trust.